CCC Course (Government Certified Course for Govt. of Gujarat Job Opening)

CCC course is a certificate course designed to impart knowledge at a basic level in computers. Here is some detail about CCC course and it's training center. CCC is Computer Basic and Fundamental Course for Goverment of Gujarat Employee. Gujarat Council of Vocational Training has declared that all government

Computer Communication and Internet

Basic of Computer networks


Elements of Word Processing

Word Processing Basic

Opening Documents and Closing documents

Display/Hiding of Paragraph Marks and Inter Word Space

Text Creation and Manipulation

Formatting the Text

Table Manipulation


Basic of electronic mail

Using Emails

Document handling

Elements of Electronics Spread Sheet

Application/usage of Electronic Spread Sheet

Manipulation of cells

Providing Formulas

Maintaining invoices/budgets

Making Presentations

Basics Understaning of Presentation

Creation of Presentation

Preparation of Slides

Providing aesthetics

Slide Manipulation and Slide Show (Presentation of the Slides)