With a thorough examination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the Frontend Programming Course gives students the tools they need to create and deploy eye-catching user interfaces. Graduates are equipped with the skills necessary to develop aesthetically pleasing and fluid web experiences.
Introduction to HTML
The basic structure of HTML document
Common HTML tags and their functions
Adding headings, and paragraphs to web pages
Inserting images into web pages
Creating hyperlinks in HTML Creating HTML tables
Table elements (rows, columns, headers)
Table formatting (cell padding, cell spacing, borders)
HTML Lists
unordered Lists
ordered lists
HTML Forms
Form Input Types (Text, Password, Radio Buttons, Checkboxes, etc.)
Form Validation
CSS Syntax
Types Of CSS (Inline, Internal, and External CSS)
Text Properties (Text Color, Text Background Color)
Box Model Properties (Margin, Padding, Border)
Background Properties (Background-Color, Background-Image)
CSS Position (Static, Relative, Fixed, absolute, Sticky)
JS Introduction
JS Getting Started
JS Syntax
JS & DOM (Document Object Model)
DOM Method
DOM Elements
DOM Forms
DOM Animations
DOM Events
Introduction of JQuery
JQuery Effects
jQuery Hide/Show
jQuery Fade
jQuery Slide
jQuery Animate
jQuery stop()
jQuery Callback
jQuery Chaining
Bootstrap Introduction
Bootstrap Getting Started
Bootstrap Grid System
Bootstrap Fixed Layout
Bootstrap Fluid Layout
Bootstrap Responsive Layout
Bootstrap Tables
Bootstrap Lists
Bootstrap Forms
Bootstrap Buttons
Bootstrap Images
Bootstrap Cards
Bootstrap Icons
Bootstrap Navbar
Bootstrap Badges
Bootstrap Progress Bars
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